Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 5 Blog Post

In this week 5 blog post, I will be concentrating on mostly just two of the patterns of the week. The main two in which I will be practicing the most is using [Complex Sentences with the dependent clause coming after] and [Use of a repeated word, phrase, clause or sentence for emphasis or stylistic effect] I will still however, be touching a little on patter one; [Complex sentence, but with the dependent clause occurring first] The reason being is because I noticed in my writing I usually have the depending clause occur first, so I would like to work on it coming second (add more different types of flow to my writing). The first pattern I will be playing around with is pattern number three. For this pattern I am using lyrics from a popular song currently; Dark Horse by Katy Perry featuring Juicy J, the lyrics are as followed: “This love will make you levitate, like a bird, like a bird without a cage…If you choose to walk away, don’t walk away.” [Use of a repeated word, phrase, clause or sentence for emphasis or stylistic effect] In this example Katy Perry uses a repetition of two phrases; both “like a bird” and “walk away” to cause emphasis on her message for which is stating. She doesn’t want the man she is talking about or too, to walk away and to stay with her. This is a great example of repetition and how it can be effectively used. The next pattern I would like to focus on is pattern number one.         For this example I have a sentence that is from Shakespeare class last semester. After she found out the truth, she decided to take her own life away. [Complex sentence, but with the dependent clause occurring first] The reason this sentence has the dependent clause coming first is because the word “After” is the clause coming first, and in the independent clause is the second part of the sentence and it’s a sentence that doesn’t need any support to be an actual sentence by itself. Moving onto the final pattern for the week; this pattern I want to include more in my writing. Keegan got suspended from school, after he got in a fight with the two kids on the playground.   [Complex Sentences with the dependent clause coming after] This is a sentence I took from a writing prompt in class from English 302 last semester. The reason I want to include this pattern more often in my writing is because I never put the dependent clause “after,” I am always using pattern number one. This pattern included more evenly with pattern number one allows for my writing to my diverse and create different flow patterns.  

1 comment:

  1. Josh - good job on trying out all three sentence patterns. All three were great examples of the specified pattern. Song lyrics and poetry are great examples of repeated words or phrases - it's part of what makes them so catchy. You also provided two (correctly used) complex sentences. I sometimes have a hard time determining the dependent and independent clauses from one another, but you did a nice job at getting them right. However, to challenge yourself for the future, try working on editing a passage of writing you have already done and practice the patterns rather than just giving one example of each.
