For this week’s blog post we will be talking about
some of the thoughts and opinions that we had with one of our short story
readings: “The Luck of Roaring Camp.” More importantly we are going to be
connecting the themes in this western text to other western stories as well. In
“The Luck of Roaring Camp” we have a bunch of rowdy drunk men who end up
changing their ways because of the birth of a new born child. This is unlike
any other western type book, film or TV series I have ever seen or heard of.
This is what made the story have more uniqueness compared to other cliché western
novels. In addition to this you get to see the bond between a man and a child,
where even the littlest things mean the world to the man (Kentuck with baby aka
Tommy Luck). Showing another example of a huge difference from this western
type text to others. One theme that really stood as well was the fact that the
men were miners. This is an overlooked fact because when people think western
they are thinking Texas, New Mexico along with other Southern states with
criminal outlaws fighting against the local sheriffs or authorities due to the
fact they are wanted for murder or robbery. This was a nice new touch to put on
the western theme as a whole, it still contained smaller themes that fit the
genre; being dirty, gambling, boozing, fighting and living in a small town.
However, this author did a great job in twisting up the genre to fit a much
more heart felt sad ending. Going off of the last note the ending to this film
was heartbreaking. I, along with most of the audience reading could all agree
we never saw a flood being the cause of the death of their new hope and good
luck charm (Baby Thomas). Most western do end up in the death of a main
character and it is very sorrowful and has a lot of emotion, but this ending
was just different. Having a child be the heartfelt death is always hard to
watch or read, but having the child as one of the main characters and the
character supplying hope to an entire town has never been done in the western
genre. Bret Harte did a fantastic job of creating a new and innovative western
type of text, which included all the essential themes to be included in the
genre, but did an even better at making it completely different and unique. I
would definitely recommend this to a wide variety of crowds.
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