This week’s post is going to be concerning the
similarities between the theme of “sexuality” and the text “The Awakening.” We would first like to concentrate of the meaning
of the theme sexuality. Sexuality had become a popular trend in the 19th
century and was starting to make its appearance in many texts. In The Awakening
this theme occurs quite frequently and is centered on the main character Edna.
It starts out with her being sexually frustrated with her significant other
Leonce because of his busy work schedule. This frustration turns into her
trying to find her independence, emotional and sexual self. It then leads into
an emotional attachment with a man named Robert and after many encounters with
each other she finally starts to get the satisfaction she has been looking for.
However, once he leaves the picture for a while it leads into her needing to
find her sexual satisfaction elsewhere. It once again appears when she starts
an affair in her hometown city with a man named Alcee Arobin. This relationship
was purely for her sexual satisfaction, nothing else. It’s clear to see that
through this novel already that sexuality is one of the main themes because of
all the decisions that the main character is making. It doesn’t stop just there
she finally at the end of it all realizes that in her sexual and emotional
decisions that she was selfish. She forgot about her past life which included a
whole family. In this guilty state of mind she goes back to the place where she
first felt these sexual sensations. (Grand Isle the location where she met
Robert) She decided to give herself away to it and commits suicide by swimming
away in the ocean. This theme of sexuality took over her life and ended up
causing the end of it. Beyond just this text, there have also been many texts
that have been centered on this theme. In the novel “The Library Illustrative of Social Progress” it contains much content
that is concerning lust, emotions and of course sexual encounters; it has even
been related to the modernized popular “50
Shades of Grey.” This is an example of how sexuality has developed over
time from being a new theme in writing into a common occurrence with positive
reviews. Sexuality overtime has become a more comfortable topic and writing
style. Kate Chopin the author of “The
Awakening” had received scrutiny for the text, however as we can see now it
was a very good novel which is now being taught at the college level. It’s a theme
that should be more looked into and should be looked for in all types of
novels. There is almost a guarantee that you will find it in some shape or
These are good points that we will need to discuss next week, Joshua.